the rockaway renegades

Sandy Relief & Waves4Water by Abbie Zuidema

Thank you everyone!  We raised $630 from the Etsy Rockaway Map sales!!  Your generous contributions helped make this happen! Thank you! So awesome.

100% of the sales have been donated to the Waves4Water fundraiser Rockaway Renegades.  Waves4Water works on the front-line to provide clean water to communities in need around the world. To learn more go to:

The Rockaway Renegades are an all volunteer based, direct action group committed to the cleanup and relief effort currently underway in the Rockaways following the devastation left behind by Hurricane Sandy.  To learn more about the awesome work the Rockaway Renegades are doing:  Take a second & LIKE them on Facebook!

Thank you again for your support! Sandy is still affecting so many people’s lives. Your contribution makes a difference.