girl crush

Thrilled. I am on Gastronomista. by Abbie Zuidema

I made a new friend-Helen Hollyman.  She is many things: food writer, recipe tester (for the likes of Mark Bittman & Amanda Hesser), line cooker (in New Orleans), waitress (Momofuku Milk Bar) & radio show talker (she has a show on Heritage Radio).  To learn more about her have a peek at her website Ulookhungry. She's awesome.

Recently she sent me an email asking me to do an interview for the fabulous food blog-Gastronomista. But of course!  We had coffee last week & talked about lots of things. One of them being rose petals in food, which I cannot stop thinking about.

A big thank you to Helen for a fancy cup of coffee & the nerdy food talk that inspires me.  It was awesome.

The blog just went "live"~you will find me under "lady crush"-so cool.

click here to read the interview!