I got to be on NPR with Brian Lehrer-no really, it's true! by Abbie Zuidema

As many of you know, I sumbitted my Little Thailand map to the Brian Lehrer show.  In addition to having my entry accepted & map published on the WNYC website, I was also asked to be on the show. LIVE. ON AIR.

How cool is that?!

I was thrilled and really nervous. Yesterday, I spent the morning preping, which included note cards & the Little Thailnad map on hand just in case... who knew what 5 minutes on air might bring?  I was just going to pretend that I was waiting on a really, really, VIP customer at the restaurant. If I could wait on Bjork-I could talk to Brian for 5 minutes.

I sat at my desk, phone in hand, waiting on hold until my moment came. I could hear the show happening in my phone, listening to Brian speak to the woman who made the map into a quilt. I was trying NOT to be nervous, just to keep breathing.

Then I was being introduced, kind of, Brian couldn't pronounce my last name, which was hilarioius. I was just relieved when he tried to say it right & not settle on the butchered version. It eneded up being a hilarious part of the exchange btween us. Especially when I couldnt say "emblem".  ha!

What an expereince.  5 minutes of fame on NPR. So awesome.

NPR submission, Little Thailand, Elmhurst Queens, for the "Little's maps" on Brian Lehrer! by Abbie Zuidema

Hello Little Thailand!  
This map was created (as a result of more than one friends suggestion, thank you friends) for the Brian Lehrer show.  He has asked local artists to submit maps of " NYC's Lesser Known Ethnic Communities"-the deadline is today! Their favorites will be featured on the WNYC website and on-air during the show.  Fingers crossed...
*here is a link to learn more about this project. NPR*  
Little Thailand is my contribution. Only 10 minutes away from home (Greenpoint), is Little Thailand in Elmhurst, Queens. It is so cool! I have barely scratched the surface, but when you go, you are somewhere other than Queens. This is why I live in NYC.

The color palate is distinctly Thai, taken from a night market photo I stumbled across in my searches.  I love pink and red together, it might be my favorite color combination.  This is also the largest map I have made so far.  It was a great project.


~if you would like to see a bigger version of the map, please click on the thumbnail~